Omni Media Designs is where your passion meets savvy business strategies. With the right tools and systems, you'll have the confidence to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others!
Omni Media Designs - Black Friday sales graphic

Can You Answer Yes To Either of These?

You want to wake up every day over the moon excited to connect with your clients, develop new content & offers, and peek at your ever-growing bank balance?

You feel like you’re stuck in a business that feels uninspiring and stagnant, you feel you are called to a deeper purpose? You know you’re meant for greater things. And yet, you just can’t seem to go from here to there.

How Can I Support You?


Shop through a selection of digital products to help you get organized, create your strategy, and simplify your business.

The Business Roadmap

A guided journey through workshops offering step-by-step instructions and hands-on activities to help you create and run a successful business.

Work With Me

Not a DIY kind of person? I've got you, how about Done-With-You specialty projects? Let's get your business running the way you dream it should!
Hey, I'm Katy!
I am The Happy Squirrel Herder
~ a Business Strategist helping entrepreneurs to systemize and simplify their business so they can build a lasting legacy.
I’ve been where you are, trying to control procrastination, obsessions with shiny objects & explosive mind glitter! And because I get distracted ALL. THE. TIME, I understand how trying to decide what to do next can cause overwhelm and shut-down. That’s where the squirrel herding comes in, instead of constantly chasing them around, I’ve learned how to control most of them (I still have a few running around in crazed excitement…) and I’m here to help you control your squirrels.
Running a business – creating funnels, writing blogs, recording videos, designing graphics, and all the in-betweens can be daunting. Don’t get me started on keeping all that content organized. It’s enough to push a person over the edge. Let’s change that, let’s take it one step at a time and create a working plan that builds a business you love. A business that brings in consistent income and one you’re proud of.
Are ready to overcome the overwhelm, simplify the processes, and make your business GROW? 

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