30 Days of Gratitude

30 Days of Gratitude – 30 Days of November – 30 Days of Thanksgiving

There were 30 days in November and I found 30 specific things to be thankful for. Each day had a multitude of things to be thankful for, but I wanted to go a little deeper each day than the standard daily gratitude. I’m amazed, sometimes, at how much I take for granted. So, here is my list of 30 Days of Thanksgiving.

Day 1…a stocked pantry, fridge, and freezer. It’s nice to know I can feed my family good, healthy food.

Day 2…kids who love me no matter what. Even when I make them finish school on a snow day?

Day 3…a roof over my head to protect me from the wind, rain, snow, and heat.

30 Days of Gratitude-My 3 happy puppies

Day 4…a warm bed to snuggle down into and sleep in when there are so many who don’t have that luxury.

Day 5…Lazy Saturdays! When I haven’t had one in over 2 months, it is a gem to cherish and enjoy.

Day 6…all the mistakes I’ve made in my life; each one has given me a lesson to learn and a chance to become a better person.

Day 7…quality time I’ve had with my family during the week.

Day 8…my puppies’ unconditional love! I can just hear them barking “Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!”

Day 9…moments of peace and quiet.

Day 10…my son who showed me this day how big his heart is by reminding me that we need to take care of those around us that might be down on their luck. He asked if we could help the homeless because it broke his heart to see people in need when we have so much. Really love that boy!!

Day 11…for all those men & women who sacrificed their lives. Thank you!

Day 12…a good book to curl up with. A chance to escape and pretend I don’t have responsibilities!

Day 13…forgiveness and second chances. We’ve all made mistakes, so we all need to offer forgiveness and practice forgetfulness. Because when we forgive and forget, we can move on and grow stronger. However, when we hang on, we only hurt ourselves and destroy those relationships we worked so hard to build. It’s a hard lesson, but one I’m willingly learning and trying to teach my children.

Day 14…gorgeous sunsets each evening and miraculous sunrises each morning.

Day 15…technology today, it may get in the way sometimes, but it’s great for those times when I need a lazy escape.

Day 16…our cars that get me and the kids to our destinations so quickly (can you imagine traveling months just to visit someone?!?)

Day 17…religious freedom. ‘Nuff said.

Day 18…my kids’ friends near and far (and their parents who support them)

Day 19…I cannot express how grateful I am for all my wonderful friends, through thick and thin, whether the communication is consistent or sporadic, we’ve got each other to count on. Thanks!

Day 20…for my daddy who taught me compassion and responsibility.

Day 21…for my mom who taught me real beauty, both inside and out.

Day 22…for my Gran Fran who has taught me that no matter what your age, no matter who you’re with, no matter where you are, you can still have fun. And lots of it!

Day 23…my Aunt Carol who always has a kind word and some of the funniest e-mails.

Day 24…for the celebration of the holidays with family!

Day 25…my beautiful daughter, the sunshine of my life. Her strength, beauty, resilience, and loyalty.30 Days of Gratitude-My amazing kids

Day 26…fun days at the zoo with my family.

Day 27…days where I get done what I want to do and not what’s scheduled for me.

Day 28…opportunities to share fun times with friends and neighbors.

Day 29…the simple fact that I love my job.

Day 30…my life.

Thankfulness is an attitude, it’s a decision, a mindset. After spending a month watching what my life has to offer, it’s a wonder I only have 30 things. My list could go on for days and days…in fact, I think I’ll keep up the gratefulness, even if I don’t share it all here.

Life is exciting and challenging, but it’s the only life we have and we need to learn to appreciate all that we have and all that we’ve been given. Practicing an attitude of gratitude brings us closer to God. Thanksgiving teaches us to let go of worry and work on trust.


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